Racing Toward the Mark of the Beast — 666

by Lu Paradise • 2010-06-16  •  520 views

During the last half of the reign of the Antichrist, the three-and-a-half-year period known as the Great Tribulation, those who refuse to worship him or accept his mark, or number, will not be able to buy or sell. We who worship God will be persecuted, but our faith in God will save us. At the end of this period, Jesus will come back to rescue us, destroy the Antichrist’s worldwide economic, political and religious system, and set up His own kingdom here on Earth.

The technology needed to institute the mark of the Beast-technology unheard of only a few years ago-is rapidly developing. Consider the following:

Microchipped to Serve

At a time when conspiracy theories abound, perhaps no one is more outspoken than former TV sports commentator and spokesman for the British Green Party, David Icke, who has written 10 books supporting the same basic premise: The same few people, organizations and secret societies are taking over the world-and us. This Elite, according to Icke, creates the news and then pipes it to us. They engineer events and set the trends-wars, revolutions, terrorist attacks, assassinations, political and economic upheavals, international drug trafficking-then form our perception of those things through the media that they also control. They are masters of collective and individual mind control, and their aim is to master us! Continue reading “Racing Toward the Mark of the Beast — 666”