Are We Mere ‘Dogs’ in a Cosmic Slum Called ‘Earth’?

by Lu Paradise • December 8, 2014 • 0 Comments  •  118 views
Why does Quackademia purposely ignore & ‘mythify’ the historical Global Flood? For two main reasons!  The 1st reason is that it would upset their carefully implanted Darwinian paradigm and undermine it, which to date is by far the vastest, most expansive, & most successful propaganda campaign in history still being waged at present by the PTB. (powers that be)

But the 2nd most astute underlying main reason is, that it could perhaps cause a resurgence of Christianity which could possibly blow the Luciferians out of the water and out of power perhaps, iF the contrary wasn’t already predicted and prophesied by the prophets! Continue reading “Are We Mere ‘Dogs’ in a Cosmic Slum Called ‘Earth’?”