Couple Finds Treasure Chest With 2 Bible Verses And A Heartwarming Surprise

Ryan Parsons took his girlfriend Lisa on her first metal-detecting adventure and they found a small treasure chest buried in the woods.

On the outside of the chest, someone had written Matthew 13:44 and Proverbs 18:22. Lisa was literally shaking in excitement as they read the Bible verses and opened the wooden box.

What they found inside is incredibly heartwarming.

A Bigoted Female ‘Equality’ Ideologue vs A Male Truthful Academic

Channel 4 News’ full, fiery interview with clinical psychologist and professor Jordan B Peterson, whose views on gender have amassed great controversy – and a huge online following. He discusses the pay gap, patriarchy and his new book “12 Rules for Life.”

SHE! is continuously putting words in his mouth. Why? Because her conclusions are already decided by her belief, her ideology, her dogma. What kind? Neo Marxism! This childish, short-sighted, elite imposed, and therefore DUMB ideology – that she has adopted for personal selfish reasons as it gives her upward mobility in a Marxist ruled world contrary to what she proposes – is the red line of her dystopic thought pattern.

This – I was gonna say lady but she is not – feminist bitch (her attitude!) totally deluded by the elite into this religious dogma, loses the debate because of the statistical FACTS proposed by a gentle MAN. She denies her nature for her religion, while he is the self confident MAN that she hates, probably because of personal reasons as well.

She accuses him of creating division and bitterness, while she is the paragon of anger and derision – for whatever reason. She bit the dust, because he very kindly put her obstreperousness in place. God bless Prof Peterson for standing up against these enemies of free speech! These Marxists need to wake up to the fact that they are control freaks and are led BY THE control freaks, the Wall Street bankers who are destroying Free Speech in order to gain total control over all divided humanity. Marxism is a deadly virus. MUST WATCH!!

Here follows another “justice warrior” destroyed by TRUTH. This is epic. The Marxists are a new form of Christianity without CHRIST! The Kiwi professor is taking some moral high ground in his patronising of Jordan Peterson. Marxists preach justice and kindness from a very self righteous entitled attitude. It stinks. Marxism is legislated dictatorship of the mind, of the person, of the culture, and it is dangerous, because it is designed to muzzle humanity in order to enslave them to the oppressing Banker control freaks who designed and promoted Marxism. For goodness sake, they FINANCED him! And they even paid Trotsky to take over the poor Russian people by malevolent force.

The entire issue is destruction of true Christianity. And the destruction of the two natural genders is only a step in the march to total suppression. And don’t talk t me about equality, when these Marxists roll over and play dead for the elite Bankers denies the very idea. But of course they dismiss it as a “conspiracy theory”, because they either didn’t study history or in their ideological madness deny history. Which are you??

Real Peace Versus Predatory Victory! He is a very astute man, even though not enough that he doesn’t yet realise that Darwinism is a totally false and fallible construct, and that LOVE supersedes LOGOS. But it takes time.

Listen to this arrogant spiritual violent female demanding answers from this gentleman of truth, instead of having true ideologue. This man is full of truth and a master debater.




You can have a sexual relationship with the Lord in the Spirit! In fact, He made physical sex as an illustration of His Own spiritual union with His Bride! The unity of the flesh is symbolic of the unity of the Spirit.–A counterpart of spiritual ecstasies! There’s only one thing better than physical sex, and that’s spiritual sex, intercourse with God Himself in the Spirit, being married to Jesus Christ as His Bride! (Rom.7:4).

If you’ve never known the love of God, you’ve never known the most beautiful sexual experiences you can ever have–those spiritual explosive orgasms in the Spirit! You don’t know what thrills are until you have had a spiritual orgasm of the Spirit, an explosion in the Spirit by being possessed with the Holy Spirit of God!

You can find the Man of your dreams in Jesus your Bridegroom, and the Girl of your dreams in the Goddess of Love, His Motherly Holy Spirit that He has provided for everyone to be satisfied and fulfilled!–And you’ll be whisked off into a World which you never dreamed existed, where you’ll enjoy the very wonders of total intimacy with a sexy naked God Himself!

David 306


God made us to be sexy, emotional, loving and kind, and people who are ruled by their emotions–desire, sex, affection, sympathy and love–are more normal and righteous than those who pretend they don’t need it, and look down on others who do.
If you’re not emotional, affectionate and loving, then you’re not like the Lord wants you to be, you’re not natural, you’re that way contrary to the natural laws of God!

But some people are afraid of sex, and others are sick of it. The first are plagued with inhibitions and feelings of guilt, while the others are satiated with disgust and contempt! The Devil has deceived them both–both the so-called saint and the profligate are in the same fix! Both need to learn from God’s Word that sex is good, and not evil!

True, there are differences in personalities, but those whose intellect rules them and who have so much self-control are inclined and tempted to be victims of pride and self-righteousness! Love, emotion and sex are humbling. But it’s quite possible to be both intelligent and sexy! God’s way is to be sexy! So being sexy is good because it’s being emotional and honest.

David 272