Syrian Arab Army SAA Soldiers Speak About Their Dreams! Will Trump & US-rael Allow Them?

Syrian Arab Army soldiers at the Syrian-Iraqi border near Al-Tanf talk about their dreams before this war was waged over 6 years ago. touching video about normal Syrians who love their country and would like nothing better than peace in their country, but the US and Israel have different plans. They want WARRRRR!!!! For who? For the Banksters!

“Blessed Are the Peacemakers!” Are you one? Then you are also called a Child of God! What an honour! I guess we need more peacemakers in this world. How about you Americans & Israelis? Would you be willing to fight for PEACE to break out in your countries?

The Flemish Father Daniël Maes (78) lives in Syria in the sixth-century-old Mar Yakub monastery in the city of Qara, 90 kilometers north of the capital Damascus. Father Daniel has been a witness to the war and according to him, Western media spreading lies on Syria and Western governments are in alliance with radical Islamists who completely ruining the country.

As Foreseen & Expected Muslim Scripture Attack Leads To BIBLE Scripture Attack on Freedom of Speech!

As we wrote earlier in our blog, that we can expect the way the New World Order set up the Muslims by infiltration and radicalisation, with the objective to destroy them as a religious force, that the Globalists will and IS doing the same to Christianity, is now coming true with the following news that a Christian School had to defend Scriptures and is now forbidden to teach them; thus nullifying Western cherished Free Speech! Because that is what it is all about. The ‘Silencing of the Lamb!’ And silencing His children!

You see all these attacks against Islam by “Christians” (Think Alex Jones! Watson! Geert Wilders, Tommy Robinson, These last 2 both Israel supporters, by the way, that PROMOTES war against Iran and WW3) – WILL backfire on the Children of God! Therefore extreme wisdom is warranted for and expected of His Children, not to dig a pit for others that they will fall into themselves, nor to move a stone that will be rolled over them later.

But that is what is now happening in America with these dumbed-down, dumb, un-spiritual, Redneck “Christian” Zionist, blind leaders & Evangelical stretcher cases. For years the US State Department on their website, has the Bible already condemned and put down as “Hate Literature!” And that is and remains the agenda of the Antichrists!

As they did with Islam – British ‘Intelligence’ kickstarting the Muslim Brotherhood already in the early 20th century & French Íntelligence’ keeping Khomeini on ice until they planted him in Iranian government! – these Antichrist forces are setting Christians up for infiltration, entrapment, and final inside assault and destruction from within, likewise.

We knew that it was coming as it is predicted by Daniel the Prophet in Daniel 11 and 12, but ‘my gawd’, why do we have to give it so much help for it to come to pass so soon. Surely the children of this world are wiser then the Children of Light! As Jesus said. Why do people have to succumb to Muslim bashing? We are expected to LOVE everyone and even our enemies!!! What’s wrong with these people! Continue reading “As Foreseen & Expected Muslim Scripture Attack Leads To BIBLE Scripture Attack on Freedom of Speech!”

《人生其實很簡單、很有趣,但人們都把它搞複雜了。》Jon Jandai這樣說著。Life is easy Why do we make it so hard

Jon Jandai TEDxDoiSuthep. Jon Jandai是一個泰北的農夫,他在清邁北方蓋了一座Pun Pun有機農場,他每天花2個小時,蓋屬於自己的房子,並致力推廣永續農業。他說:人生其實很簡單、很有趣,但人們都把它搞複雜了。

「小時候每件事情都很有趣很簡單,不過當電視出現,很多人來告訴你『你很窮,為了你的人生,你得追逐成功,你得去曼谷追求成功』,因此我感覺很糟,覺得自己很窮 … …


以前的生活因為簡單,所以多出了很多的時間,因此生活中處處都是美,我們會花時間把刀柄雕得很美,或是把竹籃編出美麗的花樣,但是現在人們都不這麼做了,他們把時間拿去工作,然後一切東西都用塑膠來代替… …」

Sweden May Use Police to Force Home Schoolers into Public School

I wrote recently about the Sandbergs, who I’m told are likely the last homeschooling family in their home country. The parents have been fined thousands of dollars for not sending their children to public school, and now the national authorities are threatening to have the police bus the children to school!

Jonas Himmelstrand, the president of the national Swedish homeschool association, told me that despite numerous positive reports from child protection authorities and overwhelming evidence that the Sandberg children are being well educated, the national education authorities in Sweden want to stamp out this last remnant of homeschooling.

The Himmelstrands are one of several homeschooling families who live in exile in the Åland Islands of neighboring Finland, where Swedish is primarily spoken. Continue reading “Sweden May Use Police to Force Home Schoolers into Public School”

Are Whites the Least Racist in the World? No! God’s Children Are!

This video shows us that Whites are the least racist of all people in the world. But I think that is because they used to be the most Christian countries in the world, and even though many Whites have lost faith in Jesus, their culture is still impregnated and defined by the archaic Christian moral values. But God’s children all over the world are actually the VERY least racist as well as the most inclusive people of all.

Well, maybe not all are, but they ought to be! Why? Because Jesus was not racist and very inclusive. He even died for everybody! Can’t beat that! And He even said that, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life!” John 3:16. Do you? Are you racist?


How the Devil Destroyed Christian Civilisation in America & Europe

While we slept, the Devil sneaked in undiscovered until it was too late. It crept in under the cover of Marx, Hegel, and cultural Marxism, Multi-culturalism, diversity, and LGBTQPFKGBQ etc. How did this anti-philosophical theory sneak in undiscovered? Because Jesus said, “When Man slept, the Devil sowed his evil seeds”, and the seeds became plants and Jesus said, “cannot be rooted up until the harvest, unless it will tear up the good wheat as well! Leave them both alone until the harvest, then the angels of god will gather the tares first and bind them into bundles and burn them with fire. then the Angels will gather his good wheat into his barn!”

Are you still asleep as well? Didn’t you notice that the tares are tearing up the streets with violence and hate, and are tearing apart the fabric of Christian society and tearing out the Christian culture out of the hearts of your unguided young snow flakes who like to die in a violent revolution, thinking that it will automatically result in a just and righteous society.

How deceived can one get. “The golden age is always just a generation, or a century, away from today, when finally Man can and will save himself.” So many generations have come and gone and ‘thunk’ that too, and it has sunk them too! The problem is now that the young are guided by the nihilistic, heart-dead, Marxist, grandfathers of dystopia who control the media, academia, and have blackmailed congress, parliament, or whatever your country calls it. And it was guided by the unregenerated Satanic money changers. But nobody noticed. Everyone was asleep!

It reminds us somewhat of the parable of the ten virgins, Jesus told. Matthew 25:

1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:

4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

8 And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.

9 But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves.

10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

This is the long overdue study of the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxist philosophy which now controls Western intellectualism, politics, and culture. It was by design; it was created by an internationalist intelligentsia to eradicate Western values, social systems, and European racial groups in a pre-emptive attempt to spark global, communist (liberal) revolution. Andrew Breitbart’s historical notes are taken into the narrative.

Alternatives to Google Products – The Complete List


It’s been fun Google, but it’s time to say goodbye.

Have you noticed? Google’s entire business model is based on you surrendering to their corporate surveillance. That’s it. All they do is repackage mass corporate surveillance into convenient, free, trendy applications that suck up all your data. Your private data helps Google dominate the online advertising market.

You are the product.

Of course, they don’t want you to focus on this fact. They’d rather you just keep using their products and feeding them your data.

But you’re smarter than that. After deleting all your Google accounts you can use the following Google alternatives.

Google search alternatives

When it comes to privacy, using Google search is not a good idea. Here are a few good Google search alternatives:

  • Searx – A very privacy-friendly and versatile search engine.
  • DuckDuckGo – This is a great privacy-friendly Google alternative that doesn’t utilize tracking or targeted ads. They also have a zero-sharing policy with other features.
  • StartPage – StartPage is basically Google, but without the tracking.

Continue reading “Alternatives to Google Products – The Complete List”

What Are You Doing to Change Your Community? Cops & Barbers Racial relationships USA

Inspiring video; How God can somehow use a former prisoner to ease race relationships in America! There is still hope for change when good people try to do what they can! How about you! What are your talents to change the world?

A White Cop And Black Barber Team Up To Bring Peace To Their City

A barber in Charlotte, N.C. teamed up with his local police department to explore how he could help encourage and build stronger bonds between the local police force and the community. Together they started the Cops and Barbers Initiative. Hopefully this program of mentorship though police academies is adopted everywhere. Watch the video below.

NDE: Jesus warns 10 yr. old about WW3 & the Demonic invasion After

10 yr. Old Jeremy Taken to Heaven, told of Future Events (Shocking!)

10 year old Jeremy was taken to Heaven and told of difficult times ahead. He later went to Heaven for a final time (passed on), and this is his story as told by his mother. (Consistent w. Rev. 9). This is a warning shot across the bow…If this is true, we are in the last days… make sure your house is in order! It is not enough to make Jesus your Savior… we must make Him our Lord (and live, to the best of our ability, according to His will for our lives)!

Dead Boy Returns From Afterlife to Tell His Mom About Heaven

Continue reading “NDE: Jesus warns 10 yr. old about WW3 & the Demonic invasion After”