A Woman With 4 Kids Broke Down In The Pouring Rain. After No One Stops, An Old Man Knocks On Her Window (Was he an Angel?)

This is Tawny Nelson with three of her four kids who live in Florida.  After her truck broke down at night in the pouring rain with her four young daughters crying in the back, countless people just drove by as she begged for help. Right as she was about to break down herself, a 74-year-old man with a bad limp knocked on the window.

This is what she wrote to her local news station:

“I am the single mother of four absolutely beautiful little girls.

They are 9, 5, 2, and 6 weeks.

And things have been particularly rough since my ex left.

My truck had a flat I constantly had to air up.

The driver side window motor died.

And I needed a new alternator belt.

The truck was a mess.

Continue reading “A Woman With 4 Kids Broke Down In The Pouring Rain. After No One Stops, An Old Man Knocks On Her Window (Was he an Angel?)”

Pope Wants you to restlessly unite with a Rise Togetherness?

The Holy Spirit points Gonz again to another can of worms of Babylonic Evangelical confusion! Beware! Watch and pray! Let no man deceive you at any time! Stay close to HIS WORD! And remember that Mr. Pope is not supporting the Word but his own agenda, of a One World Religion.

Loving Action Wins Souls

He’s Waiting To Pay For Gas, Then A Woman Starts Cursing At Him. I Wish Everyone Responded Like Him

Be kind to unkind people. They need it most. This story comes from Bryan Brown, who was at a gas station waiting in line to pay for gas…
Written by Bryan Brown for Love What Matters

“I was just in line at the gas station to get some gas minding my own business.. It was this young lady in front of me taking forever.. I overheard the cashier tell her that both of the cards were declined. She said, ‘Is something wrong with your machine?’

She turned around to walk away and I had a smile on my face. She said to me, ‘Why are you f**king smiling?’ Continue reading “Loving Action Wins Souls”

Iraqi Christians ‘Feel Nobody Cares For Us’, Says Baghdad Bishop – We at Paradise Post DO & pray for you!

Christians persecuted by Islamic State in the Middle East believe the world has forgotten them, but remain convinced that God is near, an Iraqi bishop has said.

Speaking to East County Magazine, Bishop Mar Shlemon Warduni, who has been working in San Diego but before that served in Baghdad, said: “our people are suffering too much”.

“Nobody loves them, nobody takes care of them,” he added. “The children, the young people, they have no future. They finish studying and they have no job. Always, we cry, all over the world, for those children.”

Hundreds of thousands of Christians have fled the Middle East since the rise of ISIS, though some have remained behind. Both groups “sometimes… feel that nobody cares for us,” the bishop said.

Continue reading “Iraqi Christians ‘Feel Nobody Cares For Us’, Says Baghdad Bishop – We at Paradise Post DO & pray for you!”

真理を探し求めて! (In Search of Truth! – Japanese)











  ・「人生とは何なのだろうか? 私は何のために生きているのか? 私の人生には何か目的や計画があるのだろうか? もしそうなら、それは何なのだろうか?」



ジャングルの奥地に住む原始的な民族から、最も近代的な高度社 会の一員に至るまで、すべての人は、人生が進化論的に、偶然に発生したという説明ですませられるようなものでないことを、本能的に感じとっています。確か に現代においては、自分がどこから来たのかや人生の本質を知ろうとして、近代科学のめまぐるしく変わる理論や、しばしば互いに矛盾さえしている理論から答 えを得ようとしている人が増えてきていますが、何千年にも渡って、人は、おもに宗教を心の慰めとしてきました。宗教を通して、人は、目には見えないけれど も、きっと存在するに違いないと感じる超自然的な力を認め、崇拝してきたのです。 Continue reading “真理を探し求めて! (In Search of Truth! – Japanese)”

Ham’s Ark Unveiled in Kentucky HUGE but a bit too short as no Egyptian Cubit

The Ark replica is HUGE, but still too short, as Ken Ham didn’t use the Egyptian “royal cubit”, and therefore it is somewhat shorter than the real one! Nevertheless it is a mighty witness of God’s provision and prevision for the future appr. 4500 years ago.

Al Jazeerah trots out Billy Nye the “Science Man” to say the Flood is “not reasonable”, but that was to be expected.

Continue reading “Ham’s Ark Unveiled in Kentucky HUGE but a bit too short as no Egyptian Cubit”

How to Survive the Coming crash by Community Networking! We need your input!

Whether you believe it or not, SOON there is an international crisis coming that will make the crisis of 1929 plus WW2 look like a picnic in the park! If you really want to get to know the why & wherefore details of this Crisis, go to our sister blog “The Paradise Post” or search the “Corbett Report.”

But the pressing matter at hand for all of us, in our own local geographical area, is this: HOW are we going to go through this knot hole? HOW will we cope with it.
How will we survive scarcity of money, food, electricity, water, income, medecine, clothing, and other normal human needs! For many of us it will be a matter of life or death!

Now we can be like ostriches and bury our heads in the sand by ignoring the danger signs and warnings to be caught with our pants down? Or we can be wise as the Book of Proverbs instructs us, “A prudent man foresees the evil, and hides himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. (Proverbs 14:16 The Bible) In other words: If you are wise, careful and clever, you foresee the surely coming evil and prepare yourself accordingly for all the bad things. Will we? Continue reading “How to Survive the Coming crash by Community Networking! We need your input!”

Incredible Edible Todmorden Twitter Roundup

by Lu Paradise • December 18, 2011 •   270 views •   13th September 2010

todmorden Last night we all tuned in to Channel 4 to watch the River Cottage Autumn programme featuring brilliant Landsharers Incredible Edible Todmorden (IET) (see a clip from it here), scheduled twitter chat with the Todmorden growers. We watched as Hugh made wintery spicy beef, noticing that he showed no sign of heading north to the Yorkshire/Lancashire border. He spent some time foraging for mushrooms, grew some chillies…. and by the time he’d posed in a rabbit fur thong for the Womens Institute ladies we were really worried. It was the wrong programme. But the Todmorden team were not put off by a last minute change of the TV schedule, and turned out in force to answer your questions in our live tweet Q&A. @incredibledible, @Todsprout and @Herbytod answered a barrage of questions from Landsharers online. Here’s a roundup of their questions and answers in full. [Image by Incredible Edible Todmorden.]

Questions and Answers from the Todmorden Team

@Shyman33: what veg would you recommend for complete beginners?
@HerbyTod: Herbs are always a good beginner… they grow almost anywhere and enhance everything you cook. Potatoes are good too!

@landshare: When and where did you first start growing veg in the town
@HerbyTod: we started guerrilla gardening in 2004 with fruit trees from lidl planted all over. They fruited for the first time this year! 6:36 pm, Sept 12 from Web

@Kymbogs: what do you think is the most influential thing you have done, that has got the most people involved?
@HerbyTod: The community Orchard planting day..70 fruit trees to plant, 100 volunteers turned up and all planted in two hours! 6:39pm, Sept 12 from Web

@landshare: How does it feel to be influencing a nation?
@Todsprout: if we truly are, then humbling

@HatonHead: How many people live in Todmorden
HerbyTod: we have a population of around 15 000 people including the surrounding area

@Shyman: How did you get the whole town involved?
@Todsprout: a few public events, then folk volunteered

@ Whittlerus: What were Prince Charles thoughts on visiting Todmorden this week?
@Todsprout: read it here http://www.incredible-edible-todmorden.co.uk/blogs/the-prince-tells-it-like-it-is
@incredibledible: He really gets the need to give out a positive message not just scaremongering, switched on guy.

@Shyman: How did you get the whole town involved?
HerbyTod: we also made sure all the schools were involved…. also, in Tod..if you eat, you’re in!

@Spyman33: Do you have to display disclaimers by produce for help yourself?
@Todsprout: we don’t display disclaimers
@incredibledible: no disclaimers, but our insurers know what we are doing and are ok with it.

@hatonhead: How much of Tod’s food is local as a result of Incredible Edible?
@Todsprout: quite a lot, but we aren’t there yet, work in progress

@landshare: are you all volunteers at Incredible Edible or do you have paid staff?
@HerbyTod: we have two paid staff now, thanks to a lottery grant for a food hub at the high school
@HerbyTod: we also use people funded by the future job fund scheme, but we rely heavily on volunteers
@incredibledible: until just recently all unpaid

@hatonhead: How much of Tod’s food is local as a result of Incredible Edible?
@incredibledible: lets be realistic, we have a very long way to go, but weve started,and have big plans

@Shyman: How did you get the whole town involved?
@incredibledible: giving produce away really does catch attention!

@IERossendale: We think you’re INCREDIBLE!! Hope to meet in the middle sometime!!
@Todsprout: work toward each other and join up in the middle


@landshare: What would be your advice to other people wanting to use Landshare and grow their own veg?
@incredibledible: often people start with great enthusiasm, try and do too much and get disheartened

@landshare: What would be your advice to other people wanting to use Landshare and grow their own veg?
@incredibledible: Breaking new ground is massively hard work, about 5×5 metres square per year is enough.

@isleofeigg: is there an incredible edible shop?
@Todsprout: No we don’t have a shop, but never say never
@incredibledible: its important we don’t undermine local biz so we sell through them rather than compete

@landshare: does Incredible Edible have any events that folk who don’t live there can attend?
@HerbyTod: we have this year’s conference in Peckham, London on Oct 9th, details on our website
@HerbyTod:other events where incredible edible are giving presentations are advertised on our website

@landshare: What kind of places do you grow veg
@HerbyTod: Lots! With permission from the Council, veg mixed in with their flowers, water cress in the park’s stream, old lawns & dev land

@landshare: What are you planning next for Incredible Edible in Todmorden?
@Todsprout: graveyards, railway station, police station, Fire station, anywhere we can
@incredibledible: Conference on Oct 9th, training in veg production, meat, chickens, community cows, aquaponics, apprentices, & harvest festival!

@landshare: how does IET avoid having gluts of too many tomatoes, courgettes etc?
@incredibledible: there ain’t no such beast as too much tomatoes, Ketchup em!
@HerbyTod: is there such a thing as too much? a number of community ventures use what we produce

@Kymbogs: do you think there’s any hope of Halifax following in Tod’s footsteps?
@incredibledible: No, Halifax couldn’t possibly! but you could, in your street!

@landshare: On the allotment waiting list and want to follow @incredibledible footsteps? Try LetsGrow http://bit.ly/GrowSpotLS
@incredibledible: Don’t wait for an allotment, find a disused corner and plant a sprout!

@Rebecca_teee: how are you funded?
@incredibledible: lots of small, mostly non public grants, total of around £30k spent so far, so not lots, a little goes far!
@HerbyTod: we raise funds by applying for a variety of grants for specific projects

@ a_whittle: we have surplus eggs in backup, would you consider extending the egg map?
@Todsprout: Will pass the egg map suggestion on the the every egg matters guys
@incredibledible: I don’t see why not, e-mail Pauline on contacts page of IET website

@landshare: Coming to the end of our @incredibledible time with the team in Todmorden…. any last questions out there in twitter land?
@Todsprout: keep following Landshare and all of us on twitter Peas and love to all
@HerbyTod: our contact details are on the Incredible edible Todmorden website if folk want to share what they do with us
@HerbyTod: Thank you..and folk can keep in touch with what we do or let us know what they are doing, here on twitter. Feel free to add us all

Massive thanks to the guys from IET, who did a great job answering questions. Find out more about Incredible Edible Todmorden by visiting their website and following their blog on Landshare. Want more live twitter chats? Get in touch to tell us which inspiring landsharers you’d like to chat with online.


Quote from HRH’s Wednesday speech in Manchester, food for thought ….

“You really don’t need to know anything about the biology of bees or ‘ecosystem services’ to know that having a whole lot more beehives in Newcastle has to be a good idea, nor do you need a degree in either nutrition or soil science to know that having fresh vegetables growing along the streets of Todmorden is good for everyone.”

and a quote from earlier in the speech, posted because it shows if we can… you can….
“During my tour I have seen some truly remarkable examples of what can be achieved when people really start to look at things differently. Who would have thought that Newcastle City Council would start to install beehives across the city, or that almost every green space (and some that weren’t originally very green at all) in Todmorden would be turned over to start growing vegetables, maintained by volunteers and picked by all?”

You don’t read speeches?
Well neither do I as a rule, but this one is a must if you are looking for a simpler life, a different way.

Continue reading “Incredible Edible Todmorden Twitter Roundup”