We Could Beat This Virus With Suppressed Vitamin C.. IF 2 Billion Christians Would Spread the News to Everyone & Doctors!

Watch this video about Dr. Andrew Saul who has been promoting Vitamin C-s healing properties since the 1970-ies, but this wonderful news has been suppressed by Big Pharma. Why? Because they can’t make money on it, as Vitamin C is very very cheap! I just bought a kilo of Ascorbic Acid (Vit C.) here in Taiwan for 60 US$ and we fill our water bottle with 2-3 grams of the powder. Watch the video and learn how it can improve your immunity system in a short time just by ingesting more of it, according to the need.

Now this news is suppressed by Fakebook, Mainstream Media, Wikipedia, CDC-s, all the big actors of this system that promotes Big Pharma and Mr Pandemic Bill Gates’ vaccinations that will be more deadly than the disease.

As Christians we are still an amazing vast group of people, and if we would spread this message to many many others, all the people we know, and on social media, by email, as comments in newspapers. There are a few billion of us only? That is a huge number of people. So please spread this good news. We are God’s people on Earth and our faith can create positive things, healing, not just via our powerful prayers, but by specific action in direction!

So ask yourself “What have I done on Earth for Heaven’s sake?” What have you done for your fellowmen? You can spread this good news, and you can start action groups to prepare Christian fellowships for possible enforced vaccinations in our bodies. You can ask lawyers to formulate a liability form that authorities would have to sign in case of vaccine injury and/or death. It an stop these attacks on our control over our own bodies.

People who have received Flu vacs are more vulnerable to Flu than people who didn’t, recent research stated. To learn more visit: http://www.doctoryourself.com/ and Dr. Saul’s online course: https://vitaminmasterclass.com/ and Sayer’s projects.

Also watch this song video by Bob Marley, who was a believer and actually just before he died made sure to receive Jesus into his heart, as he gives this strong warning to people who dig pits for others, that the Scripture promises that they will fall into them themselves! And that a small axe is laid to the big wicked trees who created this epidemic by creating bio weapons and either let them be spread or “happened” to spread them by lacks security. Only God knows what really happened, and who was responsible for this devilish virus. And he will hold them accountable.

Here are some more alternative ways to fight viruses and infections:

Dosages and Treatments for Coronavirus Infections

And more on

How To Fight Cold and Flu With Baking Soda (Including Other Natural Remedies for Cold)

And more on Bill Gates’ wicked work in India for example. How can we trust this person to vaccinate us? See how the interviewer defends the wicked rich man and attacks the messenger of truth as a “conspiracy theorist”, their usual trope!



And more on

Bill Gates — Vaccine not Virus Will Cull Humanity

And more on how better hygiene was most responsible for eradicating disease!

And how people are easier to deceive & trap by billionaire control freaks than rats!

This might inspire some people to fight a plague by calling on GOD instead of Bill Gates!

And more on



For some reason this eugenicist specimen laughs the same way Hillary Clinton & Bezos do… kind of wicked

Is this the reason he is so wickedly happy??

Like this smarmy smug Shmiechel shlemiel who slimes us for the slick FDA & satanic Monsanto?

And more on flu vac cins… Make you more vulnerable to Corona virus.. Look at Northern Italy where most people received FLU vac cins.

According to a warning issued by Dr. Robert J. Rowen, who wrote that when a person gets a vaccination, their immune system essentially becomes so artificially “deranged” by it that it can’t respond normally to any secondary challenges it may face.
This detail is listed right in the first sentence of a new study’s abstract, which says that “Receiving influenza vaccination may increase the risk of other respiratory viruses , a phenomenon known as vaccine interference.”

And more on

And more on

The most powerful video I have ever seen.

The following video from Barbara Loe Fisher is one of the most powerful videos that I have ever seen. I am hopeful that watching this video will inspire you to take up the cause and join the fight for vaccine freedom and independence.

There is a cultural war and collusion between many industries and federal regulatory agencies that results in a suppression of the truth about vital important health issues. If this suppression continues we will gradually and progressively erode our private individual rights that our ancestors fought so hard to achieve. Please take a few minutes to watch this video.

Dr Mercola

  • There’s a rapidly progressing effort to vilify and even criminalize those who express concerns about vaccine safety, and to shut down free speech in the U.S. (but only speech relating to vaccine harms, not the alleged benefits of vaccines)
  • Increasingly tyrannical measures are also being employed, including forcing people to get vaccinated against measles or face significant fines or jail time
  • Washington state will no longer accept a philosophical exemption from the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine for children seeking to attend daycare or school
  • Instagram is now blocking vaccine-related hashtags such as #vaccinescauseautism, and any hashtag found to be “spreading misinformation” will be added to an ever-growing list of banned hashtags


The Atheist Illusion & Delusion!

Pretty good movie about the nonsense of Atheism, (though I don’t support Ray Comfort’s holiness salvation doctrine). ALL you have to do to be saved is say, like the thief on the cross, “Lord remember me when you come into your kingdom?” Jesus answered, “Today you will be with me in Paradise!” Free gift for all of us sinners. Must watch!

A Bigoted Female ‘Equality’ Ideologue vs A Male Truthful Academic

Channel 4 News’ full, fiery interview with clinical psychologist and professor Jordan B Peterson, whose views on gender have amassed great controversy – and a huge online following. He discusses the pay gap, patriarchy and his new book “12 Rules for Life.”

SHE! is continuously putting words in his mouth. Why? Because her conclusions are already decided by her belief, her ideology, her dogma. What kind? Neo Marxism! This childish, short-sighted, elite imposed, and therefore DUMB ideology – that she has adopted for personal selfish reasons as it gives her upward mobility in a Marxist ruled world contrary to what she proposes – is the red line of her dystopic thought pattern.

This – I was gonna say lady but she is not – feminist bitch (her attitude!) totally deluded by the elite into this religious dogma, loses the debate because of the statistical FACTS proposed by a gentle MAN. She denies her nature for her religion, while he is the self confident MAN that she hates, probably because of personal reasons as well.

She accuses him of creating division and bitterness, while she is the paragon of anger and derision – for whatever reason. She bit the dust, because he very kindly put her obstreperousness in place. God bless Prof Peterson for standing up against these enemies of free speech! These Marxists need to wake up to the fact that they are control freaks and are led BY THE control freaks, the Wall Street bankers who are destroying Free Speech in order to gain total control over all divided humanity. Marxism is a deadly virus. MUST WATCH!!

Here follows another “justice warrior” destroyed by TRUTH. This is epic. The Marxists are a new form of Christianity without CHRIST! The Kiwi professor is taking some moral high ground in his patronising of Jordan Peterson. Marxists preach justice and kindness from a very self righteous entitled attitude. It stinks. Marxism is legislated dictatorship of the mind, of the person, of the culture, and it is dangerous, because it is designed to muzzle humanity in order to enslave them to the oppressing Banker control freaks who designed and promoted Marxism. For goodness sake, they FINANCED him! And they even paid Trotsky to take over the poor Russian people by malevolent force.

The entire issue is destruction of true Christianity. And the destruction of the two natural genders is only a step in the march to total suppression. And don’t talk t me about equality, when these Marxists roll over and play dead for the elite Bankers denies the very idea. But of course they dismiss it as a “conspiracy theory”, because they either didn’t study history or in their ideological madness deny history. Which are you??

Real Peace Versus Predatory Victory! He is a very astute man, even though not enough that he doesn’t yet realise that Darwinism is a totally false and fallible construct, and that LOVE supersedes LOGOS. But it takes time.

Listen to this arrogant spiritual violent female demanding answers from this gentleman of truth, instead of having true ideologue. This man is full of truth and a master debater.



Nanochips & Smart Dust Paving Way of 666 Mark of the Beast

The human microchipping agenda has a new face: Nanochips & Smart Dust. What are they? Are you being set up to be a node on the grid? What can you do?

by Makia Freeman

Nanochips and Smart Dust

are the new technological means for the advancement of the human microchipping agenda. Due to their incredibly tiny size, both nanochips and Smart dust have the capacity to infiltrate the human body, become lodged within, and begin to set up a synthetic network on the inside which can be remotely controlled from the outside. Needless to say, this has grave freedom, privacy and health implications, because it means the New World Order would be moving from controlling the outside world (environment/society) to controlling the inside world (your body). This article explores what the advent of nanochips and Smart dust could mean for you.

Different Forms of Control

Continue reading “Nanochips & Smart Dust Paving Way of 666 Mark of the Beast”


True science acknowledges the existence of God, and true scientists know there’s Something, Somebody, some Planner, some Designer behind it all. Like Dr. Steiner, the world’s greatest authority on the living human cell, who said, “After 30 years of study of the human cell I cannot help but marvel at the Divine Designer Who made it!”

Or James Clerk Maxwell, the Scottish scientific genius and Lord Kelvin, the British inventor of the absolute scale of temperature, who declared, “Science is incompetent to reason upon the creation of matter itself out of nothing,” and “we must pause, face to face, with the mystery and miracle of the Creation of living creatures.”

Or Sir William Herschel, the German-born Astronomer and discoverer of the planet Uranus, who said, “All human discoveries seem to be made only for the purpose of confirming more and more strongly the Truth contained in the Bible!”

Today, God is giving man more and more evidence of His existence through the marvels of His Creation, and all that we see teaches us to trust the Creator for all we have not seen!

David 295

ONE celebrity in Taiwan appears awake enough to warn against A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

Incredible Music Video on AI Takeover from Taiwan!

For the English meaning of the song check the right lower corner. Pass it on to others.

Wow! SOMEBODY seems to be paying attention on this island. God bless Leehom Wang, asking “but what happened to ethics?” Good question! Ethics worldwide are disappearing like snow before the totalitarian collectivist global world government machine that is about to totally control humans and make them into slaves. In the eyes of the Powers That Shouldn’t Be we are all destined to become chip implanted slaves that will do the bidding of the bankers.

It is not often that celebrities are ringing the alarm bell, as they are quickly overcome by the money that their stardom provides. Doing so their convictions – if they had any in the first place! – fall by the wayside. Celebrities are normally tools of the money masters to tickle their ears, and if they DO try to wake up the masses, they get demoted or killed! Look at John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Prince, and the like.

But god bless Leehom Wang for trying to blow the whistle on the technocrats that are trying to make us humans obsolete by creating robots they don’t have to pay a salary, and that might even take us over one day, as the movie the Matrix so eloquently portrayed for us. But most people don’t even see that in the Matrix. they just regard it as a another martial arts flick. Thus the fate of spy phone bamboozled humans that make pictures of their food and play Pokemon every day.

As it was said, “He who does not learn from history, is doomed to repeat it! Are you??

All You Need to Know About Cleansing With Cayenne Pepper

DR GROUP – Cayenne peppers have long been held in high regard for their powerful health-boosting properties. Popular cleanses, like the Master Cleanse, use cayenne because of naturally occurring compounds, like capsaicin, which help cleanse and detox the body at a cellular level. These cleansing effects can have a significant impact on your entire body, promoting a healthy heart, weight, and gut. Sustaining overall health is where the actual cleansing benefits of cayenne lie, helping you live healthy, longer! Here are the top benefits of cayenne.

Cayenne Pepper Cleanses the Body

Cayenne is well-known for its pain-relieving, weight loss, and metabolism-boosting properties, but it’s also a detoxifying spice that works on many different organs and tissues. It owes its detoxifying health benefits to the actions of capsaicin, the natural compound that gives chili peppers their stinging bite. Continue reading “All You Need to Know About Cleansing With Cayenne Pepper”

Former Bankster Ronald Bernard’s New Economy Plans to Change the World!

This is Ronald Bernard, the former bankster gangster who exposed the 8500 top blood suckers and psychopath control freaks! He made a lecture in Dutch with English undertitles, on how to change and make a new kind of economy based on work hours. This is an amazing presentation that could be used anywhere. The first part is to expose how the blood suckers screwed us in history and changed the laws to suck us more dry today, and how they did it. The last part is how we can change the world! Please watch all the details and learn how we are being screwed.

Citizens decide for themselves what is going to happen!

Continue reading “Former Bankster Ronald Bernard’s New Economy Plans to Change the World!”