8th-grader barred from giving graduation speech over Bible verses. So he does the next best thing.


The tiny rural town of Akin in southern Illinois might not have a post office, but it can now count itself among the players on the national stage after an eighth-grade boy was barred from giving a graduation speech over its religious content.

Akin Community Grade School salutatorian Seth Clark submitted his speech for approval, the Benton Evening News said,  but a local citizen complained about the content of the address, which included references to God and the Bible. So school officials told the 13-year-old he couldn’t deliver the speech, the paper reported.

“As a public school, it is our duty to educate students, regardless of how different they or their beliefs may be,” a statement from Akin Superintendent and Principal Kelly Clark to the paper reads. “While students are welcome to pray or pursue their faith without disrupting school or infringing upon the rights of others, the United States Constitution prohibits the school district from incorporating such activities as part of school-sponsored events, and when the context causes a captive audience to listen or compels other students to participate.” Continue reading “8th-grader barred from giving graduation speech over Bible verses. So he does the next best thing.”

Welcome to the Happy World of Everlasting Deceit

No comment!  True cartoon about “smart” phones and spiritual poverty, impoverishment, enslavement, sordid sadness, perdition of the enslaved mediatised masses. Watch and WEEP!!!

Continue reading “Welcome to the Happy World of Everlasting Deceit”

As Evil as Judas’ State & Media Make Muslims NOW, They Will Paint Us Christians TOMORROW!

We have to be prepared for GREAT tribulation which is GREAT persecution, as we come closer to Jesus return. It has already started, as the article below indicates. As they vilified Islam by infiltration and subsequent corruption, so they do, and will do increasingly, to us Children of God!The best attack is an inside attack, and it is already happening. We are not just our own greatest enemies, but many ‘Christians’ are really enemies and Judases wittingly or unwittingly to the cause of Christ.

Look at the article below, about a computer game created by the Satanists to put Christians in a bad light, as Hollywood has done for decades! And how? By taking the weakest Christians of all, those who want to “live by the sword will die by the sword” type of heavily armed U-S-of-A reactionary right-wing, proud, self-righteous rednecks, who are more of a detriment to God’s kingdom than poor little sinners and broken people like drug-ridden, confused, even transgender, little oppressed Children of God!!

Sins of the spirit like utter self-righteousness and spiritual adultery, screwing the Merchants, is a far worse sin than the sins of the flesh! THAT spiritual adultery was and is after all, the very downfall of most American Christians! So much so, that Jesus named them “A Whore” in Revelation 17 & 18. And the whole world is going and already beginning to HATE the Whore? Why? “Because the MERCHANTS were thy great men!”, God tells American Christians, supposed to be his sanctified Wife, but are screwing and getting screwed by the merchants like Donald trump and Jared Kushner and their ilk! Continue reading “As Evil as Judas’ State & Media Make Muslims NOW, They Will Paint Us Christians TOMORROW!”

Mom Has Alzheimer’s But She Always Comes Back When They Sing. Watch The Beautiful Moment!

“Mom is 88 now. She’s in assisted living and has Alzheimer’s but she can still play and sing better than anyone in my eyes. I realized while I was singing with her tonight, I had never videoed us singing together, so I captured a couple of songs for posterity. Most days I miss her, but she always comes back to me when we sing.”

Woe unto you America, for straying from your precious Christian foundation, that used to make you a light to the world… many many many years ago.

Jews in Tel Aviv Palestine Healed, Saved, Baptised, & Trained in Street Healing in Last Reformation – VDO

To me, Paradise Post Editor Lu, – I who am not a Jew-worshiping Zionist Christian! – it is super heart warming to see the tiny remnant of real Jews and some Ashkenazim come to Yeshua (Jesus) through this street healing ministry in Tel Aviv, Palestine! God bless the Last Reformation guys for going there and making healing available to them. Many, many, got healed, got saved, got baptised, and also got trained to continue the revolution for Jesus in the political entity called Israel.

I cordially welcome these true Jews to the spiritual Kingdom of God – the true spiritual Israel consisting of Jews and Gentiles together! I am so glad that they became part of our global and heavenly Family. The answer to all Middle East problems would be if ALL Jews would so positively turn to their true Messiah, but we know that that won’t happen until the beginning of the Millennium, until after the Wrath of God is poured out upon the entire unbelieving World, and surviving Jews and Arabs in Palestine will together bury the bones of the reprobate soldiers of the armies of the world who clashed at Armageddon from the Valley of Megiddo all the way to the very gates of Jerusalem.

Love is the most powerful force in the Universe, because God is love, and Love never fails, even with some of the skeptic unbelieving Jews. Many are called, but few are chosen, because so few chose to receive Him who died for all of our sins, Yeshuah ha Messiach! Praise God! Hallelujah! Their Father King David looks down from heaven with glory in his eyes. Praise God! MUST WATCH! Continue reading “Jews in Tel Aviv Palestine Healed, Saved, Baptised, & Trained in Street Healing in Last Reformation – VDO”

We ARE the Church

When Christians meet me — a Christian newspaper boy — they always ask, “What church do you belong to?”
And I often tell them, “I AM the Church! YOU are the Church! We, ALL of us born-again Christians are the Church.

The Church is the Body of Christ. All of us who have received Jesus as our personal Saviour have become a part of the Body of Christ consisting of all the millions of born again believers, wherever we are, wherever we come from, whatever we look like, whether we are rich or poor, black or brown, left or right, young or old, East or West, male or female, etc.”

“And”, I add, “Whether we are called Orthodox, Protestant, Catholic, Presbyterian, 7th Day Adventists, Bread of Life, True Jesus, Mormon, Recovery, Jehovah, or even those of us without any label or any church denomination! Like ME!”
“You mean that you don’t belong to any church or denomination?
“That’s right, I don’t have any label, denomination, official organisation, foundation, or building that I attend on Sunday morning.”

“What? You don’t go to church?”
“I told you. I am the Church! How can the Church go to church? YOU are the Church! Those Christians over there in this amusement park, are also the Church! Church with a big C!”

But how do you fellowship then?
Well, you are a Christian, I am a Christian, and we are fellow-shipping here right now in His Name, sharing the Word of the Lord! And     “Where two or three are together in My Name,” Jesus said, “there am I in the midst of them.
So WE are the Church of this street/park/school/university/shopping center that we are standing in, right now!”
“Huh? That’s weird!” Continue reading “We ARE the Church”

7 Reasons Why I Am Leaving Google – Social Media Tips by Steve Cioccolanti –

PP Editor Comment: I am not so sure whether you should purely use BING. Microsoft?? Are you kidding me? Hell No! Another globalist control freak who TRACKS you? Duck Duck Go does not track you. Startpage does not track your IP, but has Google Adds on the page, which made me also wonder. YOU NEED TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! Another thing to note in this video and article is the strong bias this Zionist Christian pundit pastor has for this popular merchant (Remember Revelation 18 folks??? “Thy merchants were the great men?) Donald Trump! Steve Cioccolanti calls him the 58th Jewish Shepherd???? And supports “Israel” of course! And he is talking about delusion??? System Christians are as “wise” as the children of this world… wise about this world!!! Worldly wise! They know how the system works and how to make money and.. how to compromise the message “What did you say you owe my Lord? Write down 50 instead of 80.” I may be many things, but that is one thing this poor saved sinner (me!) is not! A businessman, a merchant! Thank God! Look what they post at the end of this video! Be not deceived folks!

[DON”T CLICK IT, PLEASE!!! And don’t plant a seed of Noah.]

Perhaps Trump started out as a non-globalist, but he has sure been co-opted by the Deep State, against his liking or willingly. But God’s Children should NOT TRUST IN DONALD TRUMP! As if he is some type of Cyrus to save God’s people? Don’t be deceived! As this Christian pundit warns, “Don’t be deceived!”

In other words we -the children of God – should not just move away from Google, but from the entire World, you know, “Love not the World?”  Including Trump, Israel, Hollywood, Mainstream media, Facebook, etc. the whole shibang! IF you use it to get the message out, then that is your choice, but you should use it wisely and not divulge your privacy as long as you can hold out against the opening up of all of our lives by the control freaks who themselves are very concerned about their privacy. Marc Suckerberg has a sticker over his notebook camera! And so does Bill Gates!

Anyway have your guard up, even with this Christian Social Influencer Steve Cioccolanti. We are not haters of Muslims, we do not believe that the Askenazis are the Chosen people, or “Israel”. God’s children, no matter what their race is, are God’s children because they received the true messiah Jesus Christ! Watch and Pray over every little advice and suggestions. Cioccolanti gets some things right though, like watch out for Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, and the rest of the WORLD!

Why You Should Stopped “Googling” and start “Binging”.

By Steve Cioccolanti

Continue reading “7 Reasons Why I Am Leaving Google – Social Media Tips by Steve Cioccolanti –”