改变世界!Change the World! (Tr. Chinese)

‘Change the World’ is a Traditional Chinese Gospel Tract about a French shepherd who planted single-handedly an entire forest in the Provence in Southern France. How ONE man can change the world is an inspiring comic that will make you want to do something for God and for others. You can not change the world? Oh yes you can. You can change YOUR part of he world! 《改变世界》是一本传统的中国福音书,讲述一位法国牧羊人在法国南部普罗旺斯一手栽种整片森林。 如何一个人可以改变世界是一个鼓舞人心的漫画,这将使你想为上帝和他人做一些事情。 你不能改变世界? 哦,是的,你可以。 你可以改变你的一部分,他的世界!


Smith Wigglesworth’s Witnessing Adventures No Christian Should Miss Hearing About & DOING!

Smith Wigglesworth’s was a “funny” guy yet he was a great soul winner who preached the Gospel and won the souls left and right. He was not so much a churchian, he was rather a REAL fruitful Christian! Wigglesworth’s ministry of faith, miracles, signs and wonders changed the face of Christianity and set the stage for the Charismatic Renewal that would restore the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the modern church. Hear Pastor George Storemonts first hand experiences of his travels with Wigglesworth.

Love Rice, Hate Rice, Ignore Rice! Which Are You? A REAL Science experiment!

Watch with CC texts, FOR BETTER understanding in English! THIS shows, proves how we win, lose, or ignore the battle over the World for the Kingdom of Love, and the battles of the Evil one against us, or by ignoring this battle it covers us in the ice and snow of indifference. IF you are not changed after watching this, you are the third category? But maybe we shouldn’t say that? 😉 Well, to tell you the truth; that is the very reason I am posting this and other posts and videos for over 18 years now, to -sad to say – mostly indifferent people, hoping that the GOOD intentions and words will pay off some day in the very long run.  A harvest of good,loving, faithful, loyal souls to Jesus Christ, the God Man with the best WORD and the best INTENTIONS toward you, and all of us.

But woe unto him — and I am thinking of someone special right now who tragically is destroying his own soul and those of others by mean false accusing words, bitter vengeance, lack of faith in God, blame and negativeness, painting people black whom he accuses of all the misfortune that God allowed to come to him, who says, that “Vengeance is MINE!!!” IOW: “Get your grimy hands OFF that vengeance, brother! It doesn’t belong to you! At all!” Continue reading “Love Rice, Hate Rice, Ignore Rice! Which Are You? A REAL Science experiment!”

Are You Ruled by “social” media too? Get OFF it bro! Be like Jesus!

Thailand is as maligned (by the globalists!) as this lady was… initially.What a great video!

Don’t judge a book by the cover! Look deeper, and don’t gossip. Unite! Do not divide! God’s children are supposed to be One BRIDE! But the way it looks right now, we have still a long way to go. The infighting, the criticism, the condemning, the judgmentality, the self righteousness! Oh the humanity… Oh Lord help us to overcome. Are you bashing other Christians? Are you selfrighteously condemning others? Are you destroying God’s work for your own bitter vengeance? Your face will show it. Pursed lips like Clinton, bitter hard eyes, bitter biting words. NOT at all, like meek and lowly Jesus, who wept for the sinful multitudes with compassion. Com means with. Passion means feeling and suffering!



People who are disobedient or out of God’s Will, people who are out of fellowship with the Lord or unspiritual, people who are not really living in the Spirit and looking to the Lord for guidance and trusting Him, are shallow.–It’s just shallow flesh so they’re bound to make a lot of mistakes!

It’s dangerous for people to be shallow, not deep in the Lord, deep in the Spirit, but merely shallow in the flesh, carnal and carnally-minded. They’re like Saul, they’re just strong in their own flesh and so confident of their own intelligence that they make all their own decisions, which are usually the wrong ones because we just can’t be led of our own natural reasoning in the mind of the flesh when God’s Spirit may know differently and often does!

We need you so much Lord! We can make such foolish mistakes and ridiculous decisions if we’re out of the Spirit and dwelling in the flesh and natural reasoning! Help us to be more mindful of You, Lord, more humble before Thee, more conscious of Thee and Thy presence and more sensitive to Thy Spirit, so that we will know Thy Will and do it! In Jesus’ name we ask!–Amen!

David 309


We can only find fullness of faith when we are willing to yield our pride and our own will to the Lord. Like Jesus said in the Garden, “If it be Thy Will, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless not My will, but THINE be done!” (Mat.26:39). He has to have our cooperation.

Submission is the first step. If we are unwilling to take this step, we won’t be able to go to other steps! We have to make the decision. He’ll do everything else for us–give us strength, wisdom, life, love. All that He asks is for us to commit ourselves. He likes for us to freely choose and yield to Him because we love Him.

Total love gives all! But if we give our all to Him, He gives His all to us! You can have peace and power that you’ve never known before–with Jesus–if you’ll just let Him control your life. Have faith in God’s love and yield yourself to Him in submission and humility and let Him empower you!

“Deep abiding joy fills all my life today!
There is a special reason why I love to pray!
There is an inner Wellspring deep within my soul:
Jesus, precious Jesus, has at last complete control!”

David 291


Every kingdom and nation has got to have peons, they’re the foundation, they’re the rock bottom, they’re the grass roots! Without these little people, where would the kingdom be? Don’t belittle the peon!–Peons and peasants ought to be a complimentary title for people in our Kingdom!

The little humble sweet unseen ones seldom get the credit and seldom receive the reward here in this life except the satisfaction of knowing that they are making it possible for others to minister. But without those little nobodies, the big somebodies would be nobodies!

And when the day of rewards comes around we’re going to see some of the little people that we never heard of and never saw get some of the greatest crowns, because they were little folks who were behind the scenes, almost unseen and unknown, who did the humblest jobs, to make the ministry of the others possible. Then the world will finally see that the littlest ones, the meekest and mildest and humblest and most self-effacing little nobodies are really somebodies to God! It’s the little people who keep this Kingdom going!

David 286