He Lets People Look At The Moon Through His Telescope, And Everyone Has The Same Reaction

“We should look up more often.”

In “A New View of The Moon”, filmakers Wylie Overstreet and Alex Gorosh took a telescope around the streets of Los Angeles to give passersby an up-close look at the moon. What’s amazing about this short film is that no matter who looked through the lens, they all had the same reactions:

Howard Storm NDE Interview With New Age Believer in Jesus.

I am not into New Age, and neither is Howard Storm, although the lady appears to be, she seems to still believe in Jesus, although probably not as the WORD become flesh. Nevertheless there is hope for anyone that sincerely loves Jesus, as Howard Storm’s NDE proved. Many New Agers will join the Children of God int Great Tribulation when the chip becomes mandatory, and the Bride of Christ drops out of the Matrix. The other New Agers and so-called Christians will -like the foolish virgins – take the 666 Mark and join the One World church of the False Prophet.

Continue reading “Howard Storm NDE Interview With New Age Believer in Jesus.”


How do we receive the spiritual nourishment we need from the Lord? It’s so simple: we just have to have the faith of a little baby!

When a baby is crying to be fed, he knows his mother wouldn’t think of refusing him! God put it in that baby to know that if he calls, she will answer. He expects the answer and he gets it!–And if we, as children of our Heavenly Father, ask for milk, He’s surely not going to give us a serpent or something else! (Luk.11:10-13).

And what is it that brings the milk out of the mother’s breast? When the baby sucks, he creates a vacuum inside his mouth which pulls the milk out. Prayer is creating a vacuum like that inside our hearts: “Lord, here is this empty space!–You fill it!”

When the baby is very tiny, his mother has to bring the nourishment to him and show him where it is. But as he gets older, he automatically knows where to find the milk and he can reach out for it himself.–And likewise, the more we practice receiving nourishment from God, the better we know where to find it! And as long as we keep sucking, we’ll get more because God has unlimited capacity to give!

David 308


You can have a sexual relationship with the Lord in the Spirit! In fact, He made physical sex as an illustration of His Own spiritual union with His Bride! The unity of the flesh is symbolic of the unity of the Spirit.–A counterpart of spiritual ecstasies! There’s only one thing better than physical sex, and that’s spiritual sex, intercourse with God Himself in the Spirit, being married to Jesus Christ as His Bride! (Rom.7:4).

If you’ve never known the love of God, you’ve never known the most beautiful sexual experiences you can ever have–those spiritual explosive orgasms in the Spirit! You don’t know what thrills are until you have had a spiritual orgasm of the Spirit, an explosion in the Spirit by being possessed with the Holy Spirit of God!

You can find the Man of your dreams in Jesus your Bridegroom, and the Girl of your dreams in the Goddess of Love, His Motherly Holy Spirit that He has provided for everyone to be satisfied and fulfilled!–And you’ll be whisked off into a World which you never dreamed existed, where you’ll enjoy the very wonders of total intimacy with a sexy naked God Himself!

David 306


True science acknowledges the existence of God, and true scientists know there’s Something, Somebody, some Planner, some Designer behind it all. Like Dr. Steiner, the world’s greatest authority on the living human cell, who said, “After 30 years of study of the human cell I cannot help but marvel at the Divine Designer Who made it!”

Or James Clerk Maxwell, the Scottish scientific genius and Lord Kelvin, the British inventor of the absolute scale of temperature, who declared, “Science is incompetent to reason upon the creation of matter itself out of nothing,” and “we must pause, face to face, with the mystery and miracle of the Creation of living creatures.”

Or Sir William Herschel, the German-born Astronomer and discoverer of the planet Uranus, who said, “All human discoveries seem to be made only for the purpose of confirming more and more strongly the Truth contained in the Bible!”

Today, God is giving man more and more evidence of His existence through the marvels of His Creation, and all that we see teaches us to trust the Creator for all we have not seen!

David 295


In the beginning Adam was the first gardener! Even the Garden of Eden, as perfect as it was, had to have somebody taking care of it and God gave Adam the job of keeping the garden and tending it. The Lord expected Man to improve on His Creation!

Gardening never ends! You’ve got to keep fighting the bugs, the Devil’s varmints, the Devil’s pests, and the rot and the fungus and the mold and blights and all kinds of Devil’s attacks constantly! God’s Garden is constantly fighting with the Devil’s garden! The Devil’s garden is Hell and he’s trying to transfer it to Earth and create Hell on Earth. His whole idea is to try to defeat God’s plan and destroy God’s Garden, God’s children, but He’s not going to succeed!

It’s all one big garden and one big job and one big lesson, a lot of lessons, and we’re constantly learning more every day! No gardener knows everything, only God the Creator knows everything! Every gardener has to study and learn from other gardeners and from God the Creator and the Head of the Estate, the Owner of the Garden, the One Who made it! We have a lot left to learn and enough work to keep us busy from now to Eternity!

David 2293

Suppression of Giants by (Q)academia, Creation of Super Soldiers? & Return of Christ

“As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man. They were eating, drinking, building, marrying, and giving in marriage, and they knew not… and the Flood took them ALL away!” – Jesus Christ.

These were the main reasons Jesus gave for the similitude of our days of the imminent Coming of Christ with the final days of Mankind in Noah’s time. But it is true an added item was the existence of human-angelic hybrids and their giant offspring: One reason why God had to wipe out the rebellious human race. Steve Quayle and Tim Alberino have made a rather sensational movie about those facts, of which the trailer below is a mere introduction.

In case you are interested to know more about the factual historicity of giants – heavily suppressed by the Smithsonian and other (q)academics – please visit our articles on the subject on our ancient history blog Ancient Patriarchs under the category Giants, and be amazed at the systemic cover-ups & suppression by the Western elite to suppress any knowledge, credibility, and the facts concerning archaeological finds of giant skeletons, ALL over the entire world, including their ancient artifacts and giant CITIES like on Sardegna, Italy.


ONE celebrity in Taiwan appears awake enough to warn against A.I. (Artificial Intelligence)

Incredible Music Video on AI Takeover from Taiwan!

For the English meaning of the song check the right lower corner. Pass it on to others.

Wow! SOMEBODY seems to be paying attention on this island. God bless Leehom Wang, asking “but what happened to ethics?” Good question! Ethics worldwide are disappearing like snow before the totalitarian collectivist global world government machine that is about to totally control humans and make them into slaves. In the eyes of the Powers That Shouldn’t Be we are all destined to become chip implanted slaves that will do the bidding of the bankers.

It is not often that celebrities are ringing the alarm bell, as they are quickly overcome by the money that their stardom provides. Doing so their convictions – if they had any in the first place! – fall by the wayside. Celebrities are normally tools of the money masters to tickle their ears, and if they DO try to wake up the masses, they get demoted or killed! Look at John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Prince, and the like.

But god bless Leehom Wang for trying to blow the whistle on the technocrats that are trying to make us humans obsolete by creating robots they don’t have to pay a salary, and that might even take us over one day, as the movie the Matrix so eloquently portrayed for us. But most people don’t even see that in the Matrix. they just regard it as a another martial arts flick. Thus the fate of spy phone bamboozled humans that make pictures of their food and play Pokemon every day.

As it was said, “He who does not learn from history, is doomed to repeat it! Are you??


God made us to be sexy, emotional, loving and kind, and people who are ruled by their emotions–desire, sex, affection, sympathy and love–are more normal and righteous than those who pretend they don’t need it, and look down on others who do.
If you’re not emotional, affectionate and loving, then you’re not like the Lord wants you to be, you’re not natural, you’re that way contrary to the natural laws of God!

But some people are afraid of sex, and others are sick of it. The first are plagued with inhibitions and feelings of guilt, while the others are satiated with disgust and contempt! The Devil has deceived them both–both the so-called saint and the profligate are in the same fix! Both need to learn from God’s Word that sex is good, and not evil!

True, there are differences in personalities, but those whose intellect rules them and who have so much self-control are inclined and tempted to be victims of pride and self-righteousness! Love, emotion and sex are humbling. But it’s quite possible to be both intelligent and sexy! God’s way is to be sexy! So being sexy is good because it’s being emotional and honest.

David 272