汤米残疾人窗口传教士 Tommy the Handicapped Window Missionary (tr. Chin)

‘Tommy’ is the true story from days gone by, about a handicapped boy who couldn’t even leave his home. His little friend brought him a Bible and Tommy got saved. Then he got a plan to reach others. he wrote Bible verses on little pieces of paper and threw them out of his third story window. People who found them got saved through these verses, and evena rich man who wanted Tommy to come live with him in the country side. But Tommy asked him if people would pass under his window. The rich man said they would not. So Tommy stayed in his poor little room where he had a window on the world to reach others. How many of us would make a decision like that, you wonder. This is great for Chinese Christians who need more motivation to get out of themselves to reach others. Or you? Ha! Download and spread this needed message.


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