Derrick Broze Announces #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action June 13TH, Saturday

By The Corbett Report

James Corbett joins Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance to discuss the Global Day of Action to #ExposeBillGates set for this Saturday, June 13th.

We discuss the reasons people need to act on the important information that is coming out about the Bill Gates-funded agenda to control the world’s population, and what we can all do to help spread the word.


Visit James Corbett at Subscribe to his channel on YouTube and Bitchute, and support him on Patreon.

Out of the Shadows – Why God’s Children Should Eschew the Mainstream Media – The 10 Virgins!

I will begin to post some videos & links & memes from different sources that you can taste. These sources are not necessarily all Christian, but nevertheless authoritative due to the sources’ experience or academic background or historical knowledge. The first (Christian) video is perhaps rather shocking as it exposes the Satanic influences in Hollywood, the CIA, & among American oligarchs who are into a very different religion than us, to say it mildly. Ha.

So watch this one called ‘Out of the Shadows.’  The ‘Out Of Shadows’ documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Their goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & propagandised by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.

Youtube deleted it of course as you can see, but here is the link to the makers website:

As God’s children we just can not & should not stay uninformed, naive, or gullible anymore… when the ‘mystery of iniquity’ that was already working in St. Paul’s days, is finally closing in on us. The Scripture even says, (Hosea 4:6 KJV). “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee.”

That does not just mean knowledge of Scripture or God Himself that will destroy us, but knowledge of our opponents. “We are not to be ignorant of his devices!” Remember? “And our struggle is not with flesh & blood, but with principalities.. the rulers of darkness .. in high places.” We NEED to “think critically” or discerningly about what is REALLY going on in the shadows. And especially we need to ESCHEW THE EVIL that comes from these people’s MEDIA.

Do you still have a TV and/or Cable TV going into your house? Is it still on almost all day long, or a good part of the day? Then you are being “brainwashed” willingly. You let the Enemy of your soul lie to you and deceive you. Do you remember the parable of the 10 virgins? Five were wise and brought extra oil apart from their lamps, but the five foolish ones only had the oil in their lamps. They missed the wedding and were locked out!

Even though ALL slumbered and fell asleep, the wise ones didn’t have to go back to the system to buy extra oil when their lamps had gone out. But if this was just before the Coming of the Lord and the Wedding of the Lamb with His Bride.. then that must have been in the last 42 months, 1260 days, 3 1/2 years of the ‘Great Tribulation’ just before His return! (SEE Revelation 12 & 13)

But if these foolish virgins went back – Remember Lot’s wife? – to BUY extra oil, they must have been ABLE to buy that oil. In other words… these foolish virgins… these nominal Christians who did stay kind of ‘conservative‘ & ‘apart from the world‘… had taken the 666 Mark of the Beast! Then… when they belatedly arrived at the Father’s House, clamoring to be let in, the gate was closed so they couldn’t enter into the Marriage. Still the Lord actually came to the door to politely tell them that He didn’t know them.

Well, it was bad enough that they had ALL fallen asleep, IOW, so were they all a little bit bamboozled and deceived by the Enemy’s propaganda perhaps? Not totally awake to what was really going on, not truly discerning the ‘Signs of the Times’ Jesus had given us soo long ago (SEE Matthew 24:1-14), and so had not been able to come to the right conclusions of the specific timing of the Master’s return. But when it became suddenly overly obvious to all of them that Midnight had arrived – the darkest time in human history – they all did wake up and began trimming their lamps.

I guess when you see the entire system, the Matrix, begin falling apart around your ears, you begin to realise that Midnight has indeed arrived and your chariot will soon change back into a pumpkin again. The wise virgins who had extra oil were ready, even though they had barely woken up from their slumber too, because the Master had “delayed His coming.”

I knew quite a few people who have that mindset. They used to believe that we had entered the Last Days, but they were impatient and wanted to see and get into the real action right away, but when it appeared that the Lord was delaying His Coming, they all kind of fell away because it seemed that they had much more time left to do what they really wanted to do, which was to enjoy the World and its dainties, and thus they slumbered and slept.

But then when the asteroids begin to fall into the oceans, or a comet onto the sources of water… poisoning all the rivers, and one third of the trees and green grass all begin to burn up, and all life in the seas begins to die off in spite of Greenpeace protests, then they will begin to pay attention again.

BUT those cool ones who really went for the hip high-tech straight into the Smart City and joyously took that so convenient chip, will have made the wrong choice. They actually didn’t care to know Him personally, and will rue the day that they neglected so great a salvation which the Lord bought for us with the precious blood sacrifice of His death on that cruel cross.

Yet, even then, some small comfort; There will be some “blessed ones” who were allowed to survive Armageddon during the outpouring of the Wrath of God on this evil world which by that time spilled so much blood of so many of His sanctified Children, there might be a little comfort for some when they come out on the other side of this intense period, calling for bread from the Master who by that time is already in bed with his children. They will be allowed to live through the Wrath into the Millennium, the thousand year iron yet merciful rule of God and His Children over the surviving mostly 3rd World nations. The West will be gone!

But please don’t wait for nor count on that. Receive the Lord Jesus Christ today while you still can and NEVER take that 666 Mark of that evil Beast – about to be revealed – because it will damn your soul to everlasting doom. Count yourself warned. There will be billions who won’t heed this warning and lose their souls, don’t you be one of them. Enter into that straight little gate and embark on that narrow small yet straight path that goes to Everlasting Life, and you will be among he Blessed of their Father. And hopefully we will even hear his commendation, “Well done, thou good and faithful servants, Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.”

The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins:

Matthew 25.1-13

“Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.

2 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

3 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them,

4 but the wise took oil in their vessels (jars, flasks) with (in addition to) their lamps.

5 But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.

6 “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’

7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.

8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’

9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’

10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.

11 “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’

12 But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’

13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.

Father Aidan Nichols Signs Open Letter Charging Pope Francis With Heresy

The Dominican is one of 19 academics and clergy calling on the world’s bishops to admonish the Pope and publicly reject heresy or face losing the papacy.

The well-known and respected Dominican theologian Father Aidan Nichols has put his name to an historic open letter to bishops claiming Pope Francis is guilty of heresy and calling on them to formally correct him.

The letter, released on April 30, the feast day in the traditional calendar of St. Catherine of Siena — the 14th century saint famous for her criticism of Pope Gregory XI — states that Francis has on occasions “knowingly and persistently” denied what he knows is divinely revealed Church teaching.

Such words and actions, the signatories continue, “amount to a comprehensive rejection of Catholic teaching on marriage and sexual activity, on the moral law, and on grace and the forgiveness of sins.”

They add that they have taken this measure “as a last resort to respond to the accumulating harm caused by Pope Francis’s words and actions over several years, which have given rise to one of the worst crises in the history of the Catholic Church.”

The signatories call on bishops to investigate the claims they put forth, and then correct Pope Francis by calling on him “to reject these heresies.”

If he should “persistently refuse,” they call on the bishops to declare that Francis has “freely deprived himself of the papacy.”

“A heretical papacy may not be tolerated or dissimulated to avoid a worse evil,” the authors write. “It strikes at the basic good of the Church and must be corrected.”

They also link his purported rejection of some Church teachings with his favour shown to bishops and cardinals found guilty of abuse or covering up for abuse and corruption, such as Cardinals Theodore McCarrick, Godfried Danneels, Donald Wuerl and Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga.

They explain that the open letter marks the “third stage” of a process that began in the summer of 2016 when a group of Catholic clergy and scholars wrote a private letter to cardinals and Eastern patriarchs pointing out heresies that they said were in the Pope’s post-synodal apostolic exhortation on the family, Amoris Laetitia. Continue reading “Father Aidan Nichols Signs Open Letter Charging Pope Francis With Heresy”

谁是国际特赦组织的幕后黑手?Who is behind – Qui est derrière – Wer ist hinter – Amnesty International ?

11859意见10月13,2017谎言&操纵Christelle Nil

“大赦国际主要由其公共捐款和捐赠提供资金。 各国政府没有要求或接受任何资金来调查和打击侵犯人权行为。 大赦国际独立于任何政府、政治意识形态、经济利益或宗教。 »

据大赦国际称,它是世界上最有影响力的人权组织之一。 与此同时,该组织2015年的官方财务报告指出了捐助者,如乔治*索罗斯(George Soros)的开放社会基金会或福特基金会的结构。


有趣的是,当媒体开始越来越多地谈论国际特赦组织的参与时,该组织的官方收入报告和前几年的报告开始从互联网上消失。 现在,很难找到确认AI曾经为NED的利益而工作,NED是一个积极支持阿拉伯青年运动的组织,后来在中东和北非国家发生的一系列”色彩革命”中积极参与。 Continue reading “谁是国际特赦组织的幕后黑手?Who is behind – Qui est derrière – Wer ist hinter – Amnesty International ?”


God made us to be sexy, emotional, loving and kind, and people who are ruled by their emotions–desire, sex, affection, sympathy and love–are more normal and righteous than those who pretend they don’t need it, and look down on others who do.
If you’re not emotional, affectionate and loving, then you’re not like the Lord wants you to be, you’re not natural, you’re that way contrary to the natural laws of God!

But some people are afraid of sex, and others are sick of it. The first are plagued with inhibitions and feelings of guilt, while the others are satiated with disgust and contempt! The Devil has deceived them both–both the so-called saint and the profligate are in the same fix! Both need to learn from God’s Word that sex is good, and not evil!

True, there are differences in personalities, but those whose intellect rules them and who have so much self-control are inclined and tempted to be victims of pride and self-righteousness! Love, emotion and sex are humbling. But it’s quite possible to be both intelligent and sexy! God’s way is to be sexy! So being sexy is good because it’s being emotional and honest.

David 272

Egypt Massacre! Piers & Tucker. Blessed are the Peacemakers! For THEY shall be called the Children of God!

真理を探し求めて! (In Search of Truth! – Japanese)











  ・「人生とは何なのだろうか? 私は何のために生きているのか? 私の人生には何か目的や計画があるのだろうか? もしそうなら、それは何なのだろうか?」



ジャングルの奥地に住む原始的な民族から、最も近代的な高度社 会の一員に至るまで、すべての人は、人生が進化論的に、偶然に発生したという説明ですませられるようなものでないことを、本能的に感じとっています。確か に現代においては、自分がどこから来たのかや人生の本質を知ろうとして、近代科学のめまぐるしく変わる理論や、しばしば互いに矛盾さえしている理論から答 えを得ようとしている人が増えてきていますが、何千年にも渡って、人は、おもに宗教を心の慰めとしてきました。宗教を通して、人は、目には見えないけれど も、きっと存在するに違いないと感じる超自然的な力を認め、崇拝してきたのです。 Continue reading “真理を探し求めて! (In Search of Truth! – Japanese)”

Enter The Machine of DNA in Real Time & Be Still and Know that God is! VDO

by Lu Paradise • March 20, 2011 •  74 views

The Ipad 2 Is smart but will any invention of man ever match God’s tiny wonderful Nano Machines in the cell?” says Chris Parker. This is truly amazing proof that our bodies are basically very intricately designed very high-tech, microscopically small, nano machinery! And anyone who cannot see that, is …well …uh.. needs glasses!  🙂 But I’m not too sure if glasses would do the job, when one has no eyes to see!

If I would state that Windows 7 or even XP created itself, or came together by chance, you would call me an idiot. But here we are supposed to believe that this millions times more complicated software, plus its 3D hardware replication modules, that we are just now beginning to create, just came together by chance and by so-called “natural selection” and billions of years of time? Sorry, I do believe in miracles, but that one is too great a miracle to believe for me. Continue reading “Enter The Machine of DNA in Real Time & Be Still and Know that God is! VDO”

Are We Mere ‘Dogs’ in a Cosmic Slum Called ‘Earth’?

by Lu Paradise • December 8, 2014 • 0 Comments  •  118 views
Why does Quackademia purposely ignore & ‘mythify’ the historical Global Flood? For two main reasons!  The 1st reason is that it would upset their carefully implanted Darwinian paradigm and undermine it, which to date is by far the vastest, most expansive, & most successful propaganda campaign in history still being waged at present by the PTB. (powers that be)

But the 2nd most astute underlying main reason is, that it could perhaps cause a resurgence of Christianity which could possibly blow the Luciferians out of the water and out of power perhaps, iF the contrary wasn’t already predicted and prophesied by the prophets! Continue reading “Are We Mere ‘Dogs’ in a Cosmic Slum Called ‘Earth’?”